
Annakaija Lappalainen

I am a generalist in the field of gynaecology with true interest in the wellbeing of women of all ages. I do perform small procedures such as ultrasound examinations (also during pregnancy, but no screening, for which I refer to Aava Raskausklinikka), insertions of IUD:s, endometrial samples, cytological smears etc when needed. Special prices For […]


Heidi Kruit

Welcome to my practice with any gynecology, female health, or pregnancy and childbirth related issues! I offer services and ultrasound examinations in any gynecological issues such as annual check-ups, acute problems (bleeding, infections, pregnancy related concerns) and family planning, including intrauterine devices and implants. I also offer prenatal and postnatal care, ultrasound examinations at all […]
